Mountain Warfare
Mountain Warfare
Both a summer and a winter phase are offered. The training is designed to make you an expert in mountain operations. Mountain Warfare School is both physically and mentally demanding.
Training is non-stop, 15 hours per day, for 14 days
If you can carry a 65-pound rucksack up to five miles per day in mountainous terrain and are competent with both day and night land navigation you may have what it takes to complete this intense training. A further outline of the course can be found below.
- To provide SQI "E" Training for ARNG, USAR & AC.
- To develop and conduct training for the Department of the Army in basic and advanced mountain warfare and cold weather skills and tactics to be employed by combat units during all climatic conditions.
- To train supported units in mountain warfare and cold weather skills; to provide technical assistance and advice to supported units in the conduct of mountain operations.
- To train, equip, and maintain a high angle mountain search and rescue team.
Throughout the course of history, armies have been significantly affected by the requirement to fight in the mountains. With approximately 38 percent of the world.
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Scholarship Opportunities
Recruitment - Sign Up Soon
Don Caughey G.S., Recruiting Operations Officer (dcaughey@uccs.edu)
Army ROTC - Department of Military Science
University of Colorado-Colorado Springs and Colorado State University - Pueblo
Phone: 719-255-3475
Mountain Ranger Alumni - Enter Contact Information
Schools - Programs in Army ROTC at UCCS
The program is centered on teaching the principles of leadership, attributes and competencies of Army leaders. These principles apply to positions in the military or in civilian careers. All courses of instruction develop leadership and management skills as well as enhance the self-confidence, and initiative of each student.