Military Science Courses
MS 1010 - Introduction to the Army (3 Credits)
Introduces students to the Army and critical thinking skills that are critical for effective leadership. Students learn personal development of life skills such as critical thinking, time management, goal setting, stress management, and comprehensive fitness related to leadership and the Army profession.
MS 1020 - Introduction to the Profession of Arms (3 Credits)
Introduction to the personal challenges and competencies critical for adaptive leadership. Students learn the essential skills to effectively communicate in the Army. Students will examine the Army Profession and what it means to be a professional in the U.S. Army.
MS 2010 - Leadership and Decision Making (3 Credits)
Introduces students to leadership, decision-making, and the application of critical thinking skills that are paramount for success in the Army. Students learn how to implement technical skills learned throughout the course and apply them during critical thinking exercises that are practical and pertain to leadership challenges within the Army.
MS 2020 - Army Doctrine and Team Development (3 Credits)
Examines the challenges of leading tactical teams in the complex contemporary operating environment. Highlights terrain analysis, patrolling, and operations orders. Includes advanced study of the theoretical basis of Army leadership and explores dynamics of adaptive leadership in the context of military operations.
MS 2030 - Basic Camp
Basic Camp is the Army’s two-year ROTC Program entry point. Through Basic Camp, students without ROTC Basic Course experience can qualify for Advanced Course entry. The Army observes these students and determines their officer potential in a leadership-oriented, challenging, and motivating 5-week training program at Fort Knox, Kentucky. This is a pre-commissioning requirement for all cadets who have not completed a military Basic Training equivalent.
MS 2890 – Military History (3 Credits)
The Pre-Commissioning Military History course covers military history from early colonial warfare in the eighteenth century to the global war on terrorism in the twenty-first century. The purpose of this course is for Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) Cadets to understand the role military officers have played in our country's development and the country's relationship with its Army during peace and wartime. In particular, cadets will understand how the Army’s missions have changed over time, will examine and evaluate the Army’s relationship with American society and government and understand how those relationships shaped the Army and vice versa, and identify how the American profession of arms developed from a “dual military tradition” that combined professional soldiers with local militias.
MS 3010 - Training Management and Warfighting Functions
Challenges students to study, practice, and evaluate adaptive leadership skills as presented in scenarios related to squad tactical operations. Students receive systematic and specific feedback on their leadership attributes and actions, which they use to develop their leadership and critical thinking abilities. Open to Junior/Senior/Graduate students only. Prer., MS 1010, MS 1020, MS 2010, MS 2020 or Basic Course Credit.
- 3 Credits
MS 3020 - Applied Leadership in Small Unit Operations
Employs increasingly intense leadership challenges to build awareness and skills in leading tactical operations at the squad and platoon levels. Students learn basics of stability and support operations and conduct military briefings. Open to Junior/Senior/Graduate students only. Prer., MS 3010 or instructor permission.
- 3 Credits
MS 3030 - Advanced Camp
Mandatory 5-week practicum conducted at Fort Knox, Kentucky for all advanced course Army ROTC students. Students are assigned leadership positions at various levels of responsibility and in varied environments. Students are mentored and assessed on their ability to function and lead within the Army team. Contract Army ROTC students only. Prer., MS 3010 and MS 3020.
- 3 Credits
MS 3040 - Military Science and Leadership Army ROTC Nurse Summer Training Program (NSTP)
This course is a three-week, 120-hour clinical assignment with an Army Nurse Corps preceptor at an Army hospital in the United States or overseas. Improved clinical skills and self-confidence that comes with this experience will enhance performance in nursing curriculum and Military Science. Students receive travel pay and a salary stipend through Military Science. Prer., MS 3010, MS 3020, MS 3030. Restricted to Army ROTC Nurse Juniors/Seniors only.
- 3 Credits
MS 4010 - The Army Officer
Develop proficiency in Mission Command and the Army profession by planning, executing, and assessing complex operations by functioning as staff. Develop self and subordinate leaders by receiving and providing performance feedback. Learn basics of ethical decision-making, risk management, and military justice. Open to Junior/Senior/Graduate students only. Must pass the Army Physical Fitness Test and meet height-weight requirements each semester. Prer., MS 3010 and MS 3020.
- 3 Credits
MS 4020 - Company Grade Leadership
This course explores the dynamics of leading in complex situations, examining the art of command, how to properly communicate with your NCOs and soldiers, and how ethical decisions impact personnel and the unit’s mission. Prer., MS 3010, MS 3020, and MS 4010 or Department Head permission.
- 3 Credits
MS 4980 - Special Studies in Leadership
Course is for the student participating in the Army ROTC Advanced Course who wants to pursue further studies in the application of leadership principles and group dynamics. This course is by arrangement with the Professor of Military Science only. Students must be Army ROTC Advanced Course participants. May be repeated once for credit. Prer., MS 4020.
- 3 Credits
Leadership Lab
The Mountain Ranger Battalion’s training program focuses on training cadets in basic military skills and leadership. Our emphasis is to train students to be leaders in the Army, with a major goal of training our cadets to excel at the Cadet Leadership Course. Ultimately, we want to equip every Cadet with the tools to excel as leaders within the Army’s Officer Corps. We believe this provides the foundation for building competent and confident leaders for our great Army.
The Battalion has a three-hour lab where the advanced course Cadets teach other Cadets a variety of different subjects under cadre supervision. These labs are primarily hands on training opportunities. The labs facilitate the development of leadership skills while giving practical experience in military skills. Areas of emphasis include, squad level tactics, first aid, land navigation and drill and ceremonies.
Leadership Training
The purpose of the course is to train U.S. Army ROTC Cadets to Army standards, to develop their leadership skills, and to evaluate their officer potential. Most Army Cadets attend LDAC between their junior and senior undergraduate years after having contracted to join the Army. Successful completion of LDAC is a prerequisite to becoming an Army officer through ROTC.
Physical Training
The Army ROTC Program Physical training (PT) is the foundation of training officers to be physically, mentally, and emotionally fit. PT is usually comprised of a workout including pushups, sit-ups, running, team and individual competition, and other physically related events. Battalion training sessions are planned and led by Cadets. The workout is designed to improve the overall physical fitness of Cadets as well as allow them to gain experience planning, training and leading formations.
Combat Dive
Train personnel as qualified military combat divers trained in waterborne operations to include day and night ocean subsurface navigation swims, deep dives, diving physics, marine hazards, tides and currents, submarine lock-in/lock-out procedures, and closed-circuit and open-circuit swims
Air Assault
The course of instruction is focused on Combat Assault Operations involving US Army rotary-wing aircraft. Our battalion usually receives only one or two slots to Air Assault School(s) each summer, which are open to both male and female cadets.
The purpose of the BAC is to qualify the volunteer in the use of the parachute as a means of combat deployment and to develop leadership, self-confidence, and an aggressive spirit through mental and physical conditioning. Airborne Soldiers have a long and distinguished tradition of being an elite body of fighting men and women–people who have always set the example for determination and courage. When you volunteer for this training, you accept the challenge of continuing this tradition. The Airborne Soldiers of the past set high standards–it is now up to you to maintain them!
Mountain Warfare
Mountain Warfare School is a two-week course taught by the Vermont National Guard at Ethan Allen Firing Range in Jericho, Vermont. Both a summer and a winter phase are offered. The training is designed to make you an expert in mountain operations. Mountain Warfare School is both physically and mentally demanding.